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Remote Student Expectations for 12/7 to 12/16

Posted Date: 12/03/2020

As you know, JISD will be suspending campus instruction after today, 12/3/20 through 12/16/20. However, JJHS has put together the following plan to provide instruction during this time. 

Students will be expected to log in to their Google Classroom each day to complete their assignments and to participate in a Google Meets session with English and Science on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Math and Social Studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During the Google Meets, teachers will be providing instruction for the lesson(s) that day. In addition, after each instructional session students will have an opportunity to ask questions and complete any class practice assignments. At the end of the day, teachers will upload a recording of their instructional time in addition to any examples or other materials they deem necessary. 

The schedule below will be used by the teachers each day. Students will need to attend both of their core classes each day. 

For example, on Monday, December 7th, English and Science teachers will be on Google Meets at the times listed below. A student will have three (3) opportunities to attend their English and their Science classes along with the Question/Practice sessions. The same would be said for Tuesday with Math and Social Studies. Students will need to log in during one of those sessions to get the lesson and then complete any other work in their teacher’s Google Classroom. Students only need to pick ONE session for each class for a total of two instructional sessions and two Question/Practice sessions each day. Students will need to make sure they don't overlap their session times. 

Remote Instruction Schedule


We will treat the half-day on Wednesday, December 16th like a Friday. Teachers will email students times they will be available on that day. If you have any questions about anything, you can call the school. The staff will be here each day.